by Professional Hearing Center | Apr 5, 2021 | Hearing Loss Articles
Anxiety is defined as a continual state of alertness. It warns us of peril, but for some people, anxiety becomes unregulated, and their bodies react as if everything is a potential threat. You could find yourself full of feelings of dread while performing daily tasks....
by Professional Hearing Center | Mar 22, 2021 | Hearing Aids News
Watching sports with Ted is very frustrating. Enjoying the game is impossible because the volume is turned up so loud that the walls shake. The commentator’s play-by-play calls are an ear shattering staccato against the earsplitting roar of the crowd. It...
by Professional Hearing Center | Mar 15, 2021 | Hearing Aids News
The chances of having to deal with hearing loss increase as we get older. Some degree of hearing loss is already impacting millions of individuals. But often, seven or more years go by after the initial symptoms appear before people get help. Many older adults decide...
by Professional Hearing Center | Mar 8, 2021 | Hearing Aids News
Make no mistake: Keeping your mind sharp and preventing cognitive conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s can be accomplished in a number of ways. Remaining social is one of the most essential while engaging in the workforce seems to be another. No matter the...
by Professional Hearing Center | Mar 1, 2021 | Hearing Loss Articles
The entire year is allergy season in some locations. Allergies can range from mild to extreme and can be caused by anything from pollen to pet dander. The first and most common indications that you are dealing with allergies are usually itchy eyes and a runny nose....