by Professional Hearing Center | Jan 24, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
Feel like you may be forgetting something crucial? It’s not your imagination. It really is getting more difficult to remember things in daily life. Once you become aware of it, loss of memory seems to develop quickly. It becomes more debilitating the more you...
by Professional Hearing Center | Jan 16, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
If you or someone you know has mild hearing loss, it is crucial that you educate yourself about it as much as you can. This is to help you better manage your condition and avoid making significant decisions based on inaccurate information. When you’re dealing...
by Professional Hearing Center | Jan 3, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
Every day scientists are finding new cures. That could be a positive or a negative. For instance, you might look at promising new research in the arena of curing hearing loss and you figure you don’t really need to be all that cautious. By the time you start...
by Professional Hearing Center | Dec 20, 2022 | Hearing Loss Articles
If you’re exposed to a lot of loud sound and don’t wear hearing protection, you may experience hearing loss down the road. Similarly, if you work on a busy factory floor and don’t wear ear protection, hearing loss may be in your future. These are pretty common...
by Professional Hearing Center | Dec 12, 2022 | Hearing Loss Articles
Living with hearing loss can be a difficult adjustment for you and your family. In some cases, it can even be hazardous. What’s going to happen if you can’t hear a fire alarm or someone yelling your name? If you have neglected hearing loss, you won’t...
by Professional Hearing Center | Nov 29, 2022 | Hearing Loss Articles
If you start talking about dementia at your next family get-together, you will most likely put a dark cloud over the whole event. The subject of dementia can be really scary and most people aren’t going to go out of their way to talk about it. A degenerative...