by Professional Hearing Center | May 3, 2021 | Hearing Loss Articles
From cooking meals to our jobs to social events – our lives are busy and chaotic. Having your hearing Examined probably doesn’t seem like something you can find the time to do. And maybe you think it can wait because you don’t believe you’re...
by Professional Hearing Center | Apr 12, 2021 | Hearing Loss Articles
The first thing to do, when you begin to recognize that you have hearing loss, is to eliminate added damage. After all, you can take some basic actions to prevent further damage and protect your ears. Step 1: Keep Your Ears Clean Remember learning to make sure you...
by Professional Hearing Center | Apr 5, 2021 | Hearing Loss Articles
Anxiety is defined as a continual state of alertness. It warns us of peril, but for some people, anxiety becomes unregulated, and their bodies react as if everything is a potential threat. You could find yourself full of feelings of dread while performing daily tasks....
by Professional Hearing Center | Mar 1, 2021 | Hearing Loss Articles
The entire year is allergy season in some locations. Allergies can range from mild to extreme and can be caused by anything from pollen to pet dander. The first and most common indications that you are dealing with allergies are usually itchy eyes and a runny nose....
by Professional Hearing Center | Feb 15, 2021 | Hearing Loss Articles
The last time you ate dinner with your family was a difficult experience. It wasn’t because your family was having a tough time getting along. No, the source of the difficulty was simple: it was boisterous, and you couldn’t hear anything. So you didn’t get the...