by Professional Hearing Center | Aug 15, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
Aren’t there a couple of kinds of vacation? There’s the type where you cram every single recreation you can into every single moment. These are the vacations that are remembered for years later and are packed with adventure, and you head back to work more...
by Professional Hearing Center | Aug 7, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
Tom is getting a new knee and he’s super pumped! Look, as you age, the types of things you look forward to change. His knee replacement means he will suffer from less pain and be able to get around a lot better. So Tom is admitted, the operation is a success,...
by Professional Hearing Center | Jul 18, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
It’s not like you just wake up one day, and your hearing is gone. Hearing loss, especially when it’s related to aging, usually advances in degrees. Some indicators appear earlier, though, and you don’t realize there is an issue right away. The...
by Professional Hearing Center | Jun 29, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
Isn’t pizza cool? As long as it meets a few standard criteria (crust, sauce, cheese, etc.) regardless of the toppings, it’s still pizza. Hearing loss is also like this. Symptoms and manifestations are caused by many different issues – loud noises,...
by Professional Hearing Center | Jun 6, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
The world was very different millions of years ago. The long-necked Diplacusis wandered this volcano-laden landscape. Diplacusis was so large, thanks to its long tail and neck, that no other predators were a threat. Actually, the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic...
by Professional Hearing Center | May 23, 2023 | Hearing Loss Articles
Finally, it’s summertime!! This summer season offers tons of fun. But keep the health of your hearing in mind before you head out for a day on the beach, a rocking concert, or maybe a great backyard barbecue. Loud noises can harm your hearing, even if you...